How to Care for Your Skin After a Peel

how to care for skin after a peel

Did you know that the anti-aging cosmetics market is expected to reach $60.26 billion by 2026?

Anti-aging products can only do so much to help you achieve the look you want. A more permanent and recommended option for combatting aging is a chemical peel.

Chemical peels aren’t only for those concerned with anti-aging. These procedures can brighten and renew your skin in other ways.

You might know what occurs when you get a chemical peel, but what do you know about aftercare? Keep reading to learn how to care for skin after a chemical peel.

How to Care for Skin After a Chemical Peel

After a professional chemical peel, you may feel like your skin is itching, tingling, burning, tight, or dry. You might also experience redness and start to peel or flake within a week.

Knowing how to care for skin after a chemical peel can help reduce some of these sensations and visible side effects. Practice these tips to minimize your skin’s downtime:

Wash Your Face With Cold Water

If you need a way to soothe the post-chemical peel sensations, cold water will get the job done. Warm or hot water won’t feel as good on the face as cold water.

Hydrate and Moisturize

In the short term, a chemical peel can compromise the skin’s protective barrier. It is always important to hydrate and moisturize the skin in your normal skin care routine, but it is especially essential after a chemical peel.

You can help reinforce the protective barrier by using a medium to thick moisturizer. Dehydrated skin can feel tight so make sure you are drinking enough water to have hydrated skin.

Apply Sunscreen

After a peel, your skin is more delicate when in the sun. Always avoid direct sun exposure that could lead to visible signs of skin aging.

If you cannot avoid being exposed to the sun’s rays after a chemical peel, use a physical sunscreen that at least has an SPF30 rating.

Avoid Strenuous Workouts

The aftercare of a chemical peel includes avoiding strenuous workouts. On freshly peeled skin, an increase in blood circulation can cause uncomfortable side effects like tingling, warming, itching, and redness.

On the day you get this facial, skip workouts, dry saunas, and steam rooms.

Don’t Over-Exfoliate

Caring for your skin is a science and over-exfoliating can cause adverse reactions. Chemical peels are considered maximum strength exfoliants which means you don’t need a separate exfoliant for a few days.

Don’t use anything harsh on your skin like a brush or scrub 3-4 days after you get a chemical peel. Over-exfoliating can cause more sensitivity and redness.

After you have clear skin that feels like it is back to normal, you can resume your regular routine.

Should You Get a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel or facial can lead to beautiful skin perfect for a major event. Some prefer to get a chemical peel solely to look better for themselves.

Whatever your reasoning behind wanting a chemical peel, understanding the aftercare techniques is essential to the look you want. To have beautiful skin, you’ll first have to endure some redness and other effects that can be minimized with proper care.

To learn more about getting a chemical peel and tips on how to care for skin, contact us today to make an appointment.

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